Just listen to Nancy Reagan: say NO to MDMA

This week’s podcast begins with a comment on the debate over ABA, helpful or harmful?  But the big news this week is an analysis of very early, but very published data, on the use of MDMA, or “ecstasy” or “Molly” in people with autism.  Called an “empathogen”, MDMA can elicit feelings of warmth, love and need to cuddle.  However, it has a dark side. MDMA is a neurotoxin.  It kills serotonergic brain cells.  There is no known safe dose.  Researchers studied and found weak evidence that it reduces social anxiety in people with autism.  Social anxiety isn’t a core symptom of autism and thank you to Larry Scahill at Emory University to provided an expert description of each.  While we will not comment on every negative study out there, this one is worth noting.  When someone offers you MDMA, JUST SAY NO.



A tool to describe strengths of people with autism

Due to popular demand, this podcast is dedicated to the International Classification of Functioning, or ICF.  This is a tool used to measure functioning in people with not just autism, but across individuals.  As the expert guest, Soheil Mahdi, describes in this podcast, it isn’t about replacing a diagnosis of autism, but complementing the diagnosis with a description of ways the person is functioning in society, what strengths they have and how it that may identify opportunities for autistic individuals.  Soheil is a fellow at the Karolinska Institute and ASF is collaborating with him on the employment policy brief.  Thank you for suggesting this topic for a podcast!


Here are some other resources of interest:  https://ki.se/en/kind/startpage

A sampling of science from the International Meeting of Autism Research

In case you didn’t have time to jump on a plane and fly to the Netherlands last week for the International Society of Autism Research meeting, this week’s podcast is a short summary of just a few of the presentations.  There was more of an emphasis on what has been called “real life” research questions like employment, quality of life, and relationships.  As a result, some of the more basic science questions around autism are now being presented at other meetings.  This is a shame.   This podcast follows some of those basic science questions to the now translational opportunities that were presented at the meeting.  It also highlights some newer findings that will provide help to people at all ages who need supports and services.

Just to be clear: people with Aspergers are not Nazi’s

This week, a disturbing report from Molecular Autism published by an Austrian historian with no affiliation with autism, linked Hans Asperger to a eugenics facility in Germany and labeled him a Nazi sympathizer.   This was the first investigative report of the link using primary documents.  He had previously been considered a hero from trying to save his patients from the gestapo, and plead for them to be rehabilitated.    So which is true?   Hero or potential war criminal?  Maybe both.  This podcast goes through the 43 page article with the message that:  if you have Aspergers, you are not necessarily a Nazi.  Don’t let anyone tell you that, and if they do, email me at ahalladay@autismsciencefoundation.org


SLEEP: it’s what’s important for autism

Sleep disturbances affect up to 80% of people with autism, and as it turns out, these sleep problems translate to daytime problems like probability of hospitalization, severity of symptoms and even employment.  This week’s podcast focuses on three new studies that examine the relationship between sleep problems and function in people with autism across the spectrum, and provides new insights on how to study sleep.  Dr. Ashura Buckley from the NIH will be speaking about sleep in autism at the Day of Learning on April 11th – if you have’t registered yet, there is still time:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-autism-science-foundation-ted-style-autism-science-conference-registration-39878706284

Articles used in this podcast:




This type of autism is not like the other – and here is data to show it

Identifying subtypes for autism and narrowing down the heterogeneity of symptoms has been considered the holy grail of autism research.  If one person with autism is not like another person with autism, can they at least be put into groups to speed up studies into causes, intervention and services?  And how?  This podcast explains two different studies that used the same statistical method but different children with autism to identify different groups.  One of the things that helped define these groups was verbal ability and IQ.  For the first time, comorbid symptoms like medical issues and psychiatric diagnoses  are being taken into account.  Already, this approach is helping scientists better understand why fever improves symptoms in some people with autism.

What does Labor Day mean for people with ASD?

Labor Day is a time to appreciate and honor all those people who work to make this world a better place.  People with autism do that, but they also want to get paid and be employed just like anyone else.  This Labor Day, the podcast summarizes challenges to studying employment in people with ASD, what we know, and what is being done in a collaboration between ASF, Curtin University in Australia, the Karolinska Institute and Stony Brook University in Long Island. This is the INSAR supported policy brief project that will be completed next year, but you will all be receiving a request to fill out a survey about employment in the coming weeks.  In addition, what does employment mean for people with autism?  A NY Times article recently highlighted the journey from childhood to adulthood and what having a job means.

Resources and Services for Adolescents and Young Adults

Thank you to Sonia Agarwal, smart, efficient and eloquent ASF summer intern for putting together a summary of resources and services and rights for adolescents and young adults with autism, focusing on those who are not intellectually disabled.  They include resources for transitioning into college and support programs at college, with tips and hints along the way.  Sonia has a younger brother with autism and is committed to helping families access the help they need.

A different type of autism?

Last week, investigators with the Autism Treatment Network published a long awaited study on the differences between the DSM IV and DSM5.    Other studies had relied on information on old pieces of paper to judge whether or not someone who met criteria under DSM IV would be now diagnosed with DSM5 criteria.  This study, on the other hand, used in person evaluations of over 400 individuals with autism.  PI from the Missouri site and lead author of a new study, Dr. Micah Mazurek was gracious enough to provide a summary of the findings in the podcast.  A quick preview:  they showed differences in the diagnosis in the group previously known as PDD-NOS.  Is this a new type of autism?  Their symptoms were less severe and they had normal IQ ability – do they have a subtype of autism or a new form of ADHD?  This study isn’t the first to suggest using different categories of symptoms of autism like DSM IV did, and indicates that the new criteria of the DSM  5 are more specific.  In addition, a 2 minute summary of all the great presentations at the Autism Society of America is given.  Totally insufficient to describe everything that went on, but it’s a start.

The Benefits of Being and Older Father

Advanced paternal age is one of the more replicated risk factors for autism – but maybe not autism as it as seen as a disorder.  Recent studies by Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Kings College of London show in both animal models and in epidemiological studies that advanced age in fathers is associated with the “active but odd” phenotype and PDD NOS.  In people, older (but not “old”) age in fathers led to increased IQ and social aloofness that led to higher academic achievement.  Is this autism?  Or just a subtype of autism where the outcomes are adaptive rather than maladaptive?  There are lots of questions about the nature of autism in these findings.