Contextual Factors in Autism: What took us so long?

Contextual factors, or external factors, are environmental influences and can impact not just a diagnosis but the life course of a person with autism and their families. A recent commentary by autism researchers around the world highlights the importance of these factors and provides resources on how they can be collected in a rigorous, but accessible, way. Dr. Marsha Mailick, lead author of the commentary, discusses the definition of contextual factors, why they are important, and how they can influence development. Read the commentary – open access – here:

How IQ impacts the “will do” of skills: adaptive behaviors

On this week’s podcast, Dr. Elaine Clarke from @RutgersU discusses the role of adaptive behavior. This refers to the wide range of skills that a person with autism can exhibit. Can they hold a conversation? Dress themselves? Prepare a meal? These sets of skills are strongly influenced by cognitive ability. Dr. Clarke will talk about the link between cognitive ability and adaptive behaviors and while there may be differences in the abilities across the spectrum, it means clinicians and families need to aim for what works best for their individual child. Read more below:

Factors That Influence Heterogeity and How

Understanding factors that make each person with autism different has been a challenge, affecting diagnosis, interventions and the way we think about autism in general. Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Rovereto, Italy, used computers to see how language, intellectual ability, motor and adaptive functioning grouped individuals into different categories. It turns out there are two groups – one group that improves over time and outperforms the other group consistently even in early life. The other group continues to struggle. These factors are not autism-specific, but do influence the creation of these different groups that are different biologically as well as behaviorally. This week’s podcast is an interview with the researchers on what it means for the future of understanding what might help what person at what time in their life.

The publication is open access and includes the model so their findings can be replicated widely:

Post-Pandemic Problems

A few years after the start of the pandemic, and a couple of years into “recovery”, scientists are still disentangeling the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and exposure. For example, is there an uptick in autism screen positives when pregnant mothers fell ill? Were there diagnostic disparities based on co-morbid conditions? Did autistic people feel better over time during the pandemic? This week’s #ASFpodcast explores these questions using new longitudinal data sets designed to better understand the long term impacts of the pandemic.

What happens to premature infants as they get older?

As health care and outcomes for very premature infants has improved, scientists are able to track their longer term behavioral development, and that includes risk of developmental disorders like autism. On this week’s #ASFpodcast, Dr. Jessica Bradshaw discusses her recent research examining biological predictors like body temperature and heart rate and how they are linked to early autism features like social communication deficits in toddlerhood. All parents of pre-meet need to be vigilant and lean into resources like @BabyNavigator to help track their infant’s development.

One key to better mental health: cognitive flexibility

Stressful life events, among other things, affect autistics more than those who are typically developing. Why? What would cause this vulnerability? New studies suggest that cognitive inflexibility may be the key. Autistic people tend to have problems with cognitive flexibility. As a whole, they show problems with flexible thinking, changing direction and being adaptable to new situations. This is clearly tied to insistence on sameness, a core feature of ASD. Can anything help? Research needs to look at the link between improving cognitive flexibility and mental health, but in the meantime, there are things that can be done to improve skills in this area. Check out a few below.

Is anxiety related to autism, and where is it in the brain?

Anxiety is common in people with autism – but is is different than other types of anxiety or similar? Is it part of the autism phenotype? When does it start and what triggers it? Two new studies which use a longitudinal design and examine the links between autism features, anxiety symptoms and brain development are summarized this week. It shows that the amygdala is important, that some features of anxiety are core to ASD and some are separate, and it is related to autism features like insistence on sameness. This has implications for how anxiety is diagnosed and treated in those with ASD.

Here’s what you won’t hear about that new JAMA study on Twitter

A couple of weeks ago, a group in Australia published a study that investigated the efficacy of a “preemptive” intervention. That is, what happens if you provide support to parents to improve social communication, interaction and skills in infants before a diagnosis can be made? The results have a lot of meaningful implications of what interventions are possible at this age, how they can be delivered, and what it means to NOT receive an autism diagnosis but still show challenges. But the Twitter hive didn’t perceive it that way. This week I explain what the study did and didn’t do, and how it can help people across the spectrum.

Open access here:

You asked, we listened: what is the link between ASD and ADHD?

This week’s ASF podcast topic comes from the listeners: what is the link between ASD and ADHD? Do parents diagnosed with ADHD have a greater chance of having a child with ASD? What are the similarities and differences? And what do families need to know? We interviewed Dr. Meghan Miller from the University of California Davis, who is one of the most prolific academics (and trusted psychologist to families) in this area. Want to read some of her research? Here you go:

News new families can use, thank you to the BSRC

This week an important study was released that provides information that parents can use – particularly parents with a child with autism and another on the way or who is an infant.  This of course comes from the Baby Siblings Research Consortium and makes particular observations about families with 2 or more affected children vs 1 affected child.  They have different rates of autism outcomes and trajectories of behaviors that parents and doctors should be aware of.  In addition a new meta analysis of vitamin supplementation shows that while moderate doses of vitamins may not be harmful, they may not also be helpful.  In other words, talk to your doctor about a nutritional plan and assessment, and save your money for things that are known to work.