In support of AFAB

A recent publication in the Lancet was dedicated to clinical recommendations to support autistic females at birth. Because more males than females are diagnosed with autism, their needs are often misunderstood, misinterpreted, or just ignored. Researchers, clinicians, scientists, parents and self-advocates from around the world joined together to identify those needs and propose solutions that can be implemented in everyday care. To read the article in it’s entirety, click here:

Happy Pride 2023

With just a few weeks to go until June, this week’s podcast is a short summary of the prevalence of transsexuality in the autism community and how many people are autistic in the trans community. More importantly, there are guidelines about the identification and care for those who have these co-occurring conditions. The references mentioned are below:

One in 36 and what it predicts

The CDC released data from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM) on Thursday. In the past 2 years, the prevalence of autism has increased about 20%. Why? Are there more new cases or is diagnostic practices improving? For 20 years there has been fewer Black and Hispanic kids diagnosed. Is that still the case? Listen to this week’s #ASFpodcast to hear some early thoughts, the CDC will join us for an interview on April 20th:

A 2022 Day of Learning Quickie

This year’s Day of Learning was a huge success, with topics ranging from biological sex differences to mobile technologies all the way to the importance and documented value of leisure activities in people on the spectrum. the speakers included a discussion of the IACC, sex differences, the value of prevalence data, mobile technologies, leisure activities, and a recognition of two advocates who made or make a difference in families: Samantha Els and Suzanne Wright. Listen to this week’s podcast for a quickie, but don’t let it prevent you from watching the longer videos, a link to which can be found below

Eating Disorders and Feeding Disorders in ASD

It’s estimated that anywhere from 10%-30% of females on the spectrum also suffer from an eating disorder, and that autistic traits are high (even without a diagnosis of ASD) in those with eating disorders. There is clearly crossover in the underlying biology somehow, but while that is being determined – help for those with ASD and eating disorders is not waiting. There are many obstacles for autistic women to receive help for their eating disorders, and this podcast outlines the overlap between ASD and ED, and describes what could help women on the spectrum who experience eating disorders.

Gender difference update

Girls and boys with autism generally show the same symptoms of ASD overall, but what about different aspects of features? What would happen if you studied girls and boys separately and examined detailed assessments of things like motor skills, repetitive behavior, communication or social interaction? These are where subtle signs of differences between genders is showing up. Girls show a higher age of diagnosis, but that depends on cognitive ability. Also, girls with ASD seem to have superior social interaction skills, which reflects normal gender differences. These differences are magnified over time. A new study also looks at Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and outcome in boys vs. girls…..the results are still unclear but interesting.

Sex differences: It’s not about the diagnostic measurements.

A fresh take on an existing topic: why there are more boys diagnosed with ASD than girls. Even from a few months old, girls are different than boys, and they show subtle differences in toddlerhood. But at the time of diagnosis, they score the same on standardized instruments of ASD used to categorize someone as having ASD or not. This means it isn’t about the measures. It could be cultural factors, it could be a protective effect, but there needs to be a better understanding of these differences across the lifespan to help everyone with ASD, especially females.

Genes genes all in an order, the ones you have, the greater risk of disorder

This week, a special focus on genetics:  what type, where do they come from, what do these genes do and how do they influence risk of a wide array of psychiatric issues including autism.  The results come from the largest study to date of people with autism as well as those with ADHD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.  It’s also the largest study of the Female Protective Effect so far.  Even if genetics does not explain everything about ASD, genetics is important and you deserve to know why.  Below is a graphical abstract of what they found:


In autism, what does protection mean?

Some autistics are offended by the word “protection” when it comes to autism, but in addition to things increasing the probability of a diagnosis, some things reduce the probability?  This week’s podcast explores the female protective effect as well as a new study from the BASIS study in the UK looking at early regulatory function as a protective factor in ASD and ADHD traits.