Dealing with an ER visit

This week, special correspondent Mia Kotikovski discusses challenges in getting emergency care for those with autism, what doctors and hospitals can do to ease the stressors associated with places like the ER. This is a huge issue for families as many “simple” ER visits for their autistic family members can cause such stress it provokes severe reactions, especially in those with sensory issues, intellectual disability or those who cannot express their pain.

Profound Autism: The first meaningful autism subgroup

Instead of grouping together people with autism based on traditional severity scores, what if groupings were done based on functional outcome? Would this help better understand the broad spectrum of autism and why some people with autism are so different than others? Researchers at the University of Minnesota led by Kyle Sterrett, together with UCLA and UNC utilized a study that followed children with autism in the early 1990’s into their adulthood, in the 2020’s. They created and asked these families a set of questions (included in the manuscript below) to help identify levels of functioning in people with autism. This was done to help them and their families get the right support at right time. They found that these questions could differentiate people with Profound Autism based on things like level of independence and safety concerns. Dr. Sterrett talks with us on this week’s podcast to explain what they did and why it is so important.

What happens during sleep?

During sleep, your brain is still active. It is turning all those things you learned during the day into long term memories through connections between the thalamus, hippocampus and frontal cortex. What happens in Profound Autism? How does the brain work during sleep and how will this knowledge lead to better sleep in people? Are there interventions already underway that are being tested that target sleep brainwaves? It can be hard to measure sleep, so in Part 2 of the Profound Autism Series, Dr. Dimitrios Mylonas from Harvard talks about his study to use portable home brain activity monitors that have been adapted for use in Profound Autism and an intervention based on this brain activity is being tested in other disorders. His study is now enrolling and is all remote, if you are interested in participating please email him at: