The Meaning of Microglia

We normally focus on the function of brain cells that send signals to eachother and communicate across small or long distances, which show differences in ASD. However, we rarely pay attention to the other cells in the brain. One type of cell, called the microglia, has been shown to not only help “pick up the garbage” of the brain, but also shape these connections that occur between brain cells. This week @DavidMenassa1 from @QueensCollegeOx, @UniofOxford, @unisouthampton published a paper in @Dev_Cell that looks at how microglia shape the brain during critical periods of development, and what this means for ASD. We are grateful he shares his expertise (and a beautiful accent) with us this week.

Check out the paper HERE: 

Environmental factors as both causes and interventions?

Environmental exposures, including toxic chemicals, can contribute to the causes of ASD. But how do other environmental factors, like behavioral supports, work in the brain to improve behaviors associated with ASD? For this, you need a broad interpretation of the term “environmental” and an animal model so you can see the mechanism involved. Studies show while environmental factors can contribute, they can also provide modifications in cellular and molecular function which support learning and improved developmental trajectory. Finally, on a different topic, are autistic adults more likely to be involved in a crime compared to other groups? No, they are not, but there are factors which affect the risk of being involved with the criminal justice system, at least in the UK. Read more in the studies below.

A new type of genetic mutation in ASD

On today’s ASF podcast, ASF funded researcher Ileena Mitra from the lab of Dr. Melissa Gymrek at UCSD will explain a new type of “de novo” genetic mutation. Those are those spontaneous mutation that happen in kids with ASD but not parents or family members. So where did they come from? Well, this study looks at a mutation that affects tandem repeats, which are those repeating DNA sequences: CGG CGG CGG CGG. A newly built bioinformatics platform showed that these mutations may account for 1.6% of simplex (one person in the family is affected). Likely we are going to hear more about these types of mutations in ASD, so listen to the scientist explain the science herself!