An Explanation of Some of the Recent Scientific Research Announcements

The past couple of weeks have been a flurry of decisions involving government funding for research and health and wellness services. It’s been difficult to understand their impact without understanding the process in which science is evaluated for funding and policies around support of universities where the research takes place. In this podcast, we will clarify what environmental factors are associated with autism (not vaccines), summarize how grants are reviewed and what effect stopping them will have, and explain new rules around how much money research institutions receive in order to support that research, those “indirect costs” and what cutting them will mean for Research Institutions.

Hybrid is Most Helpful

This year’s first podcast dedicated to COVID issues explores both caregiver and clinician satisfaction with telehealth. New studies explore this satisfaction with assessment as well as psychiatric interventions. Also, as a follow up to the INSAR presentations on resiliency in mental health, a new study from Canada explains what may be at the core of this resiliency. Finally – why are some autistic people still not getting vaccinated?

Why would you not get vaccinated?

There have been a lot of questions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially now that it is being offered to everyone 12 and up. At first it was restricted to the elderly, now other groups are eligible. But not everyone wants the vaccine and in fact about 30% of Americans either refuse or have serious questions about it. On this week’s ASF podcast, we interview Dr. Pam Feliciano of SPARK to find out what families affected with ASD think of the vaccine, and answer other questions around the safety of the vaccine vs. the risks of getting COVID. Below is a new article about mortality of COVID in people with ASD.

COVID-19 is especially deadly to the IDD community

In a study over over 64 MILLION people across the US, COVID-19 has been shown to be most deadly to those with an intellectual disability. This was once a theory, now it is a proven fact. Take action! Write your governor and demand that intellectual disability and neurodevelopment disorders be put on the priority list for vaccination in your state. A sample letter is below:

As a person or family member affected by intellectual disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders, we ask that you include all high-risk patients and caregivers living with these conditions as a priority population in your immediate prioritization of FDA- approved COVID-19 vaccines. 

Intellectual disabilities have extensive, and often severe comorbidities. Early prevention and intervention are paramount, and this vaccine is critical for our high-risk community and public health. Families affected by IDD and NDD live daily with conditions including: cardiopulmonary dysfunction; neurological deficits; debilitating seizures; vision and/or hearing loss; gastrointestinal issues; autism spectrum disorder.  A recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated the high mortality of COVID 19 in people with IDD and since groups with lower risk of mortality have been listed as high priority conditions, we request that those with IDD be added immediately.  As leaders and caregivers in this community, we strongly believe individuals living with IDD who require daily hands-on care, and their caregivers should be included in the high-risk population for risk for catastrophic outcomes due to infection of COVID-19. The effects of COVID-19 could be devastating for individuals and family members, of all ages, who are constantly at high-risk for neurological and organ damage caused by potential infection. During the pandemic, these families have lost vital resources (such as physical, occupational and speech therapies) and myriad interventions otherwise afforded to them. Compounded by COVID-related delays in routine public and private care management due to risk of exposure, many people have experienced regression, and the only way to safely resume these crucial interventions is through immediate vaccination.  Beyond the direct risk of Covid-19, the pandemic has had negative effects on the ability of individuals with IDD to receive health care and daily support that they need.

We urgently call on you to prioritize all people and family members and caregivers of people with IDD and NDD to receive the COVID 19 vaccine.

NEJM article open access:

What does and does not change the probability of an autism diagnosis

Once again, this week another study  came out dismissing the link between vaccines and autism.  Add this one to the list, but this is one of the largest and takes into account genetic and non-genetic risk factors.  It continues to discredit the vaccine-autism link.  However, in other science, more evidence that prenatal folic acid supplementation, something women should be doing anyway, does reduce the probability of having a second child with autism.  So take your folic acid – either by prescription or over the counter.  As Martha Stewart says, it’s a good thing to do.