Autism: Difference or Dysfunction?

The question of whether or not autism is a difference or a true dysfunction in brain development has been debated for years.  A new study from Canada demonstrates that within an autism diagnosis, there is less of a difference in symptoms in the last 5 years than there was 30 years ago.  This raises a lot of questions about what autism researchers have been studying lately.  It also reinvigorates the discussion of whether the heterogeneity issue in autism has become such an issue that those with a true dysfunction are not getting the services they need, because of an interpretation that autism is just a difference.  The podcast includes thoughts of the community voiced on social media as well as opinions of the ASF scientific advisory board.

Article is open access here: 


In autism, what does protection mean?

Some autistics are offended by the word “protection” when it comes to autism, but in addition to things increasing the probability of a diagnosis, some things reduce the probability?  This week’s podcast explores the female protective effect as well as a new study from the BASIS study in the UK looking at early regulatory function as a protective factor in ASD and ADHD traits.

The extra benefit of caregiver mediated interventions

This week, a new systematic review published by researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute looked at the existing evidence around caregiver (parent) mediated interventions and not child outcome, but family relationships and dynamics. While it isn’t the focus on the intervention, what effect does allowing parents to be involved and empowered on their child’s support on the wider family?  The answer is, it does help, although not all interventions are the same.  Also, a new video tool from collaborators at Washington University and the UC Davis MIND Institute to help parents identify early signs and symptoms in their own children was validated, which is exciting but more work needs to be done.

How to get and keep a job – from those that know

There are many different factors that go into successful employment for people with and without autism.  As part of the ASF policy brief on employment, the US, Australia and Sweden held meetings with autistic adults, family members and employers and asked “what are the issues in your words”?  Then they were mapped onto areas of functioning, not ability or disability.  One thing that stands out is “matching interests and skills to job requirements”.  This is important, but a complicated issue.  This week’s podcast reviews what autistic people say, how it maps onto functioning and why we need to be careful about taking a one – sided approach to autism.