Missed the Meeting on Language in Autism? Listen to this podcast

Last week in North Carolina, the Meeting on Language in Autism was held, with 3 days of amazing presentations and lots of productive discussions about how language and speech develops and how people with autism communicate. This podcast describes the origins of language development and how intervention during toddlerhood can promote lifelong language abilities. To learn more about the meeting go to www.mola.org and to see the Autism Navigator, go to www.autismnavigator.org.

When it comes to intervention, earlier is better

This week, we talk to Whitney Guthrie from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who spent the last 6 years conducting the gold-standard randomized control trial that demonstrates intervention for social communication skills at 18 months shows greater effects than intervention starting at 27 months. If you wanted evidence that earlier is better, here it is! Interventions and supports are important at any age, but the critical window of development between 18-27 months is particularly important for long term development.


One in 36 and what it predicts

The CDC released data from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM) on Thursday. In the past 2 years, the prevalence of autism has increased about 20%. Why? Are there more new cases or is diagnostic practices improving? For 20 years there has been fewer Black and Hispanic kids diagnosed. Is that still the case? Listen to this week’s #ASFpodcast to hear some early thoughts, the CDC will join us for an interview on April 20th:



Everything you wanted to know, and more, about the revisions to the CDC developmental milestones

In February, the CDC worked with the American Academy of Pediatrics to update the developmental milestones that parents should use when referencing how their child is developing. These milestones describe what should be accomplished by times as young as 2 months and as old as 5 months. These are helpful to all parents who wonder “shouldn’t my child be walking by now” and “how many words should they be saying”? Pediatricians ask parents about these and parents are expected to know them, so prepare yourselves now. What are milestones? Why change them? What are the changes? Learn more on this week’s #ASFpodcast.


The article is free:


ASD in the “next generation” of siblings

Times have changed. Once, parents of a child with autism were concerned about autism in younger siblings. Now those parents are grandparents, and worried about autism in their children’s children. Siblings of autistic adults are considering having children of their own and wondering what they should be prepared for when they have kids of their own. This week, Natasha Marrus from Washington University School of Medicine talks about her new study looking at the increase in probability of ASD in infants who have an aunt or an uncle with ASD. The results are not surprising, but they do have implications for actionable steps.


The waterbed around your brain (and its role in sleep)

This week we have a very special guest:  Dr. Mark Shen from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who has been leading the field in understanding the role that the fluid around the brain in autism.  This week he expands his research to show that this increase in extra – axial (around the brain) fluid is not limited to those with a family history of autism, and is seen both before and after a diagnosis.  This has implications for early detection of ASD, but more interesting, it may help explain why some people with autism have so many sleep issues.

Quality vs. Quantity in an autism diagnosis

In the fight to ensure everyone with autism is detected and diagnosed as early as possible, community providers are sometimes pushed to the limit in what they can do.  They have a huge caseload and there are long waitlists.  So how accurate are autism diagnoses given by these providers with little time and little resources for training?  As it turns out, they are just okay.  Approximately 23% of those diagnosed by community providers were not diagnosed using standardized and validated autism tools.  How can we weigh this potential over and mis-diagnosis with the potential for missing individuals with autism and depriving them of interventions and services?  That’s a topic for another discussion.  However, one question on the cause of autism was addressed and a theory debunked:  autism is not caused by caesarean section deliveries altering the microbiome, and then leading to ASD.  The microbiome may be involved, but not because of method of delivery and use of antibiotic medications.




A tool to describe strengths of people with autism

Due to popular demand, this podcast is dedicated to the International Classification of Functioning, or ICF.  This is a tool used to measure functioning in people with not just autism, but across individuals.  As the expert guest, Soheil Mahdi, describes in this podcast, it isn’t about replacing a diagnosis of autism, but complementing the diagnosis with a description of ways the person is functioning in society, what strengths they have and how it that may identify opportunities for autistic individuals.  Soheil is a fellow at the Karolinska Institute and ASF is collaborating with him on the employment policy brief.  Thank you for suggesting this topic for a podcast!


Here are some other resources of interest:  https://ki.se/en/kind/startpage