ADHD and ASD diagnosis both on the rise. Coincidence or commonalities?

Like ASD, the prevalence of ADHD has increased significantly in the past 2 decades. A critical analysis examines the factors, and many of them can be applicable to the increase in the rise of autism diagnoses: increased diagnosis in adults, looser diagnostic criteria, and untrained professionals making the diagnoses. While they are not of course the same, listen to some of their arguments and read their comments (link below) to see if you agree with my assessment.

The molecular signature of the autism brain

Is there a specific “signature’ that make the autism brain unique? Can there be a common set of findings that certain gene expression goes up and another go down and where? And is it linked to behavior? This week, Dr. Michael Gandal at University of Pennsylvania (formerly UCLA) explains his recent findings that looks at the largest number of brain tissue samples so far from multiple brain regions to show a common up regulation of immune genes in the brain and a common down regulation of genes which control synapse formation and neuronal communication. It is most pronounced in areas involved in sensory processing of the brain. You can listen to the podcast today and read the whole paper here:

Can we solve the pandemic problems around diagnosis and intervention?

This week’s #ASFpodcast highlights a few articles from the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders this week which examined the tolerability and efficacy of online diagnostic procedures and interventions, from the perspective of both parents and clinicians. They seem to work about the same, although there were some caveats. For many reasons, online and telehealth options are here to stay, and more needs to be done to improve their accuracy, acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness. These early studies are promising though, and lead the way to even more improvements to help make them a viable option for families in the future.