Seizures and the after-effects depends on genetics

In recognition of epilepsy awareness month, this week we are interviewing Jill Silverman and Nycole Copping from UC Davis who published a paper looking at the causes and consequences of seizures across 3 different strains of mice, which are identical all but their background genetics.  This is important because new animal models of autism are built upon these different background strains, but very little work has been done to really understand how these different tiny changes in genetic background influences response to an environmental factor.  In this study the environmental factor was a drug that produces seizures.  Two out of the three strains showed seizures and all three showed some behavioral after-effects of the seizure – inducing drug.  Therefore, differences in background genetics influenced the outcome of the mice, an effect that is rarely studied.  The authors point out what these behaviors are, what they mean, and why animal models are important for understanding ASD and seizures.

PMS: it’s not what you think

Last weekend, the Phelan McDermid Research Foundation held their biannual family conference in Dallas Texas.  People with Phelan McDermid Syndrome, or PMS, suffer from seizures and intellectual disability, and about 70% have an ASD diagnosis, Over 150 families from across the world came together to show each other support, learn about housing options, receive genetic counseling, talk to experts and hear the latest research.  ASF attended the meeting and this podcast is a short summary of what was presented by researchers at the conference.  This syndrome is caused by mutations of the SHANK3 gene, which is present in about 1% of people with autism, making it the most common single genetic influence of ASD.  Even if you don’t have a mutation in SHANK3, many of the issues affecting those with PMS may apply to you.  To learn more about the conference, click here:

The ASF Day of Learning mini-recap

Did you miss the ASF Day of Learning in NYC but want to hear some teasers before they are available online?  Listen to this week’s podcast, and you’ll hear the 12 minute talks distilled to 2 minutes, leaving out a lot of details and eliminating the video part but giving you a quick recap of each.  Topics this year included:  1) What have we learned this last year?  2) Are Boys and Girls with Autism Different? 3) Does diet make a difference in autism?  4) Is medical marijuana a treatment option? 5) Why won’t my child sleep and 6) How can we improve adult outcomes in people with autism?  ASF also announced 8 new pre and post-doctoral fellowships on Wednesday, filling out an already amazingly active autism awareness month.   Stay tuned for the complete presentations to appear on the ASF homepage.

It’s not about THC, it’s about CBD (cannabinoids)

Parents of children with seizures are desperate to find something that will at the very least reduce the frequency of seizures in their kids.  Answers came in an unlikely place two months ago with the publication of a randomized clinical trial showing that seizures could be reduced with use of cannabinoids in kids with a condition called Dravet’s Syndrome.  Cannabinoids are one of the chemicals found in marijuana, and there are anecdotal reports on the use of marijuana or cannabinoids to treat autism.  Unlike THC, CBD (cannabinoids) do not cause euphoria or any psychoactive effects and are used exclusively for medicinal reasons.  This podcast summarizes current literature and also explains why it is so hard to study cannabinoids, including federal and state regulations and what needs to happen to open up this field of science