Which came first, ASD or sleep problems?

People with autism have lots of problems, and sleep is one of them. This week’s podcast explores when these problems begin, which brain areas are involved, and how autism contributes to, or suffers from, lack of sleep. Does sleep make ASD worse or are ASD symptoms causing a sleep problems? It’s not a one way street, and the neurons that go to the wrong places at the wrong times which cause ASD, may also be contributing to lack of good sleep. References below:





From being high to being aggressive

There are many many potential factors that influence a diagnosis of ASD that have been underexplored, and recreational drugs are one of them. Of course it would never explain all the cases of ASD, not one singular thing does, but does cannabis consumption during pregnancy lead to an increased probability of having a child with ASD? As it turns out, yes, a small increase, meaning it isn’t the only thing causing ASD but: JUST SAY NO if you are pregnant. On the other end of the spectrum is aggression, a completely horrible feature of some people with ASD. About 30% of people who are aggressive and have an ASD diagnosis are not responsive to any medications or therapies, which is horrifying. Researchers in Canada and Brazil have studied the brains of this group, with what is called “refractory aggression” to try to get to the mechanism.

