ADHD and ASD diagnosis both on the rise. Coincidence or commonalities?

Like ASD, the prevalence of ADHD has increased significantly in the past 2 decades. A critical analysis examines the factors, and many of them can be applicable to the increase in the rise of autism diagnoses: increased diagnosis in adults, looser diagnostic criteria, and untrained professionals making the diagnoses. While they are not of course the same, listen to some of their arguments and read their comments (link below) to see if you agree with my assessment.

What is the problem getting to the bottom of biomarkers and gene x environment interactions

Outcome measures for clinical trials and understanding and determining gene x environment interactions have been two (of many) challenging questions for scientists. In the first study, we explain a new study that looks at the feasibility of three potential biomarkers that have the potential to look at presence of a diagnosis as well as effectiveness of an intervention. In the second half, we describe some new research that shows novel approaches to better understand the presence of an environmental factor with genetic influences, or a new method to describe them in different communities. You can read the studies by clicking below:

You asked, we listened: what is the link between ASD and ADHD?

This week’s ASF podcast topic comes from the listeners: what is the link between ASD and ADHD? Do parents diagnosed with ADHD have a greater chance of having a child with ASD? What are the similarities and differences? And what do families need to know? We interviewed Dr. Meghan Miller from the University of California Davis, who is one of the most prolific academics (and trusted psychologist to families) in this area. Want to read some of her research? Here you go: