How does autism prediction work?

This podcast provides updates on studies that help with prediction of an autism diagnosis – which is important for preparing for the future and for intervening early. First, a study that uses environmental factors to create an equation for the probability of a diagnosis following a combination of of non-genetic factors only which does a fairly good, but not perfect, job at predicting a diagnosis. Second, a study that looks at the accuracy of a machine that predicts autism from eye gaze as early as 9 months of age and with only a 2 minute test. This one wasn’t as accurate as the one that takes longer and tests older kids, but it’s a first step. No ONE thing does a perfect job at predicting a diagnosis – it’s going to be a combination of things, tested over time and multiple times that will be most helpful at predicting a diagnosis. Both studies are open access!

Genetics does not equal eugenics

Sometimes when the autism community hears the words “genetics research”, it conjures up images of using genetics to eliminate people with autism. In fact, that’s not the goal of genetics research, nor is it even possible. Recently, several new studies were publish which illustrate how genetics can be used to help people understand their diagnosis, and receive more targeted supports. Special guest Jonathan Sebat from UCSD provides perspective on these findings and why genetics research is misunderstood.

Environmental factors as both causes and interventions?

Environmental exposures, including toxic chemicals, can contribute to the causes of ASD. But how do other environmental factors, like behavioral supports, work in the brain to improve behaviors associated with ASD? For this, you need a broad interpretation of the term “environmental” and an animal model so you can see the mechanism involved. Studies show while environmental factors can contribute, they can also provide modifications in cellular and molecular function which support learning and improved developmental trajectory. Finally, on a different topic, are autistic adults more likely to be involved in a crime compared to other groups? No, they are not, but there are factors which affect the risk of being involved with the criminal justice system, at least in the UK. Read more in the studies below.

Violent criminal behavior, screen time, and inter pregnancy interval – not all related to each other but all relevant to ASD

Many media reports have linked autism to violent criminal behavior, but statistically, autistic people are more likely to be the victims but not the perpetrators of violence. So what ELSE is going on in those with ASD who have committed a violent crime? A study in The Netherlands delves into this by collecting information on violent criminals with an ASD diagnosis. Also, families are always concerned about the time their kids spend on their screens, and COVID caused even more screen time – think about all the time spent in online school. But is it harmful? Are there benefits? And does it depend on the type of screen time? Listen to this week’s podcast to find out.