Scientists: they are just like us. They are in a pandemic crisis too

Scientists who help families affected by ASD may look like they have it all together, but the pandemic has been catastrophic not just on discoveries to help families, but to the people who conduct research, meet with families, and provide services. They have lives too, and those lives have interrupted their abilities to provide care and work towards easing suffering. This week’s podcast is a conversation between 3 early career investigators who helped conduct a survey of the common struggles, obstacles, and possible solutions to this problem.

Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the fairest early predictor of adult language ability?

Scientists study motor skills in early development not just because it is one of the first features to emerge, but because it is predictive of later social communication development, and as it turns out, later expressive language development.   A new study combining data from 2 countries shows that early motor deficits predict language abilities all the way up to age 19, so focusing on early motor skills is imperative for early intervention.  Also this week – a review on why those tiny details in genetics of ASD can be so helpful for people across the spectrum and families.

Children are not small adults

Cathy Lord and her colleagues have been studying a group of people with autism from age 2, all the way through adulthood, at age 19.  Her colleague and first author Vanessa Hus-Bal who is leading the efforts to study adults at a new institute at Rutgers University, talks about the findings and what they mean for people with autism as they get older, and points out the implications on intervention.  Also, the stress response is different in autistic people, but is it different in adolescents and adults, and does it change as people get older?  A social stressor is used to identify how they are different and what it means for treatment.