More ASD links with hormones that are not well-known but are now shown

Oxytocin treatment for social communication in ASD has been recntlyused by doctors, but mostly used by people using it on their own through a nasal spray. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a huge, if any, effect in randomized clinical trials. This week’s podcast investigates current research in both the oxytocin and vasopressin system in ASD, when changes start, and how oxytocin administration has different effects in autistic women vs. neurotypical women. Once again, clinicians can not assume that what works in people without ASD will work in those with a diagnosis.

What are PCOS and DDT, and what do they have to do with autism?

Two new studies came out this week that implicates the role of the endocrine system in autism.  The endocrine system which regulates hormones in your body, also has a key role in brain development early on in fetal and child development.   PCOS is a metabolic condition and DDT is a toxic chemical banned years ago, but both are linked to the endocrine system, both are bad for many reasons, and both are linked to autism.  These studies provide evidence that we should #savetheEPA and be aware of medical and environmental factors which do not cause, but contribute to autism.  Also, PCOS is linked to autism in adult women, so ladies – if you show signs of PCOS, please talk to a doctor!

PCOS study:  

DDT study:

PCOS blog: