Recurrence rates for families with an ASD child

What is the probability of having a future child with autism if you already have one or more? Families want to know. It helps preparation, planning, will hopefully improve early screening and supports. The Baby Siblings Research Consortium analyzed a bigger group of siblings compared to their 2011 numbers and found the recurrence pretty stable – 1 in 5 siblings will have an autism diagnosis compared to 1 in 36 in the general population. However, this number depends on a lot of things: Sex of infant, sex of sibling with an existing ASD diagnosis, number of autistic children in the family, race and socioeconomic status. Listen this week to hear all the numbers.

The extra benefit of caregiver mediated interventions

This week, a new systematic review published by researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute looked at the existing evidence around caregiver (parent) mediated interventions and not child outcome, but family relationships and dynamics. While it isn’t the focus on the intervention, what effect does allowing parents to be involved and empowered on their child’s support on the wider family?  The answer is, it does help, although not all interventions are the same.  Also, a new video tool from collaborators at Washington University and the UC Davis MIND Institute to help parents identify early signs and symptoms in their own children was validated, which is exciting but more work needs to be done.

Loss of skills in autism partially explained

Is regression a sudden loss of previously acquired skills or is it the gradual decline in a particular area of function?  Using the right tools, both parents and clinicians can document the gaining and loss of skills in different areas, and they agree on what they see.  However, rather than being a single event, regression is slow, starting at around 12 months and showing continual declines through diagnosis.  Thanks to an NIMH day long symposium on the biological causes of regression, scientists got together to discuss this loss of skills on a biological level.  They think that the decline or loss of skills is due to biological events that disrupt the formation of specific brain circuits at critical times in development.  This can be because neurons stop developing, or maybe the brain goes overboard in shaping and pruning back connections.  If you want to see the amazing full day of presentations that aired in 2016, click here:  A link to the Ozonoff study described in the podcast is here: