Violent criminal behavior, screen time, and inter pregnancy interval – not all related to each other but all relevant to ASD

Many media reports have linked autism to violent criminal behavior, but statistically, autistic people are more likely to be the victims but not the perpetrators of violence. So what ELSE is going on in those with ASD who have committed a violent crime? A study in The Netherlands delves into this by collecting information on violent criminals with an ASD diagnosis. Also, families are always concerned about the time their kids spend on their screens, and COVID caused even more screen time – think about all the time spent in online school. But is it harmful? Are there benefits? And does it depend on the type of screen time? Listen to this week’s podcast to find out.

Let’s talk about sex (and sexuality)

While certainly not a new topic of interest, the number of research studies and publications on the sexuality of people with autism has exploded in the past year.  Research shows more people with autism reporting they don’t conform to traditional sexual definitions.   In addition to having to navigate the world of having autism, they also have to figure out how to deal with exclusion based on sexual orientation and coming out.  They are a double disadvantaged community.   Also, females with autism seem to be at particular risk of poor sexual experiences.  This podcast reviews the research all leading to a reported need for better sexual education, and a promising intervention to help people with ASD.  Publications cited are: