What causes autism? Genetics or the Environment? Or maybe both?

Is it genes or is it the environment? or is it a combination? This question has plagued researchers and scientists and caused a lot of confusion in families about what caused their own or their child’s ASD. This week we review the mechanisms by which de-novo mutations could be the work of gene x environment interactions, and share new evidence of how SSRI’s do or don’t contribute to ASD through gene x environment interactions. We also want to recognize the valuable work of scientist Li-Ching Lee to these efforts. Dr. Lee recently passed away but will be sorely missed.



You asked, we answered: what is the connection between the ‘gut’ and the brain?

On this week’s podcast, we answer your question: “what’s the evidence of a gut-brain connection”? We can’t answer that question without starting off with a description of the microbiome. The microbiome is the colony of organisms in your gastrointestinal system that is showing increasing evidence of influencing brain function. We asked three experts: Calliope Holingue from JHSPH, Helen Vuong from UCLA and Stewart Campbell of Axial Therapeutics what is happening in research around the microbiome in autism, and what therapeutics are being developed to help those with GI issues and ASD.