Super, Superb and Sensational Siblings

Siblings of people on the spectrum, including autistic adults, are amazing. They support, advocate, fundraise, and now we know they actually have a direct influence on the outcome of their affected brother or sister. What’s that effect? When is it most obvious? Does gender or race matter? All of these questions will be answered by Nicole Rosen of UCLA on this week’s #ASFpodcast. And make sure to tune on on September 8th to or Sam’s Sibs Stick Together webinar. Info below.
click here for a link to register for September 8th

SLEEP: it’s what’s important for autism

Sleep disturbances affect up to 80% of people with autism, and as it turns out, these sleep problems translate to daytime problems like probability of hospitalization, severity of symptoms and even employment.  This week’s podcast focuses on three new studies that examine the relationship between sleep problems and function in people with autism across the spectrum, and provides new insights on how to study sleep.  Dr. Ashura Buckley from the NIH will be speaking about sleep in autism at the Day of Learning on April 11th – if you have’t registered yet, there is still time:

Articles used in this podcast: