Scientists: they are just like us. They are in a pandemic crisis too

Scientists who help families affected by ASD may look like they have it all together, but the pandemic has been catastrophic not just on discoveries to help families, but to the people who conduct research, meet with families, and provide services. They have lives too, and those lives have interrupted their abilities to provide care and work towards easing suffering. This week’s podcast is a conversation between 3 early career investigators who helped conduct a survey of the common struggles, obstacles, and possible solutions to this problem.

A conversation with Clare Harrop about autism in boys and girls

Recently, Clare Harrop from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published two papers which help explain the differences between boys and girls with autism, at least in kids and toddlers.  She graciously agreed to talk with us about these findings and what it means for better identification and diagnosis of girls with ASD, and where future research is needed.  Thank you to Dr. Harrop for this insight and for your work in this area!