Quality vs. Quantity in an autism diagnosis

In the fight to ensure everyone with autism is detected and diagnosed as early as possible, community providers are sometimes pushed to the limit in what they can do.  They have a huge caseload and there are long waitlists.  So how accurate are autism diagnoses given by these providers with little time and little resources for training?  As it turns out, they are just okay.  Approximately 23% of those diagnosed by community providers were not diagnosed using standardized and validated autism tools.  How can we weigh this potential over and mis-diagnosis with the potential for missing individuals with autism and depriving them of interventions and services?  That’s a topic for another discussion.  However, one question on the cause of autism was addressed and a theory debunked:  autism is not caused by caesarean section deliveries altering the microbiome, and then leading to ASD.  The microbiome may be involved, but not because of method of delivery and use of antibiotic medications.

