An update on females with autism, on the double

Females with autism are different than males with autism in a lot of ways.  This week, researchers used twins to examine the differences between males and females with autism in their brain structure and how it’s associated with autism traits, not a diagnosis.  To do this, researchers in Sweden turned to twins.  As it turns out, females have more of a diversity of differences in brain changes compared to boys, supporting the female protective effect.  But how to females with autism feel?  As them!  A group in the UK interviewed over 20 women on the spectrum or their parents to find out what concerns them most and what they find most challenging.

Both articles cited this week are open access:


Autism spectrum disorders underneath a bigger umbrella: more data from the brain

There is demonstrated genetic overlap between many neurodevelopment disorders including  ASD, ADHD, and schizophrenia, and now there is data showing similarities in the structure and size of the brains in people with autism and those with ADHD.  These differences depend on how severe social difficulties are, but the similarities are seen with ASD and ADHD, but not OCD.   In addition, this week there are new depressing results from the Interactive Autism Network on unemployment and females with ASD.  The results may not surprise you, but they will upset you.



Understanding the hard to research

What do Princess Kate and Amy Schumer have in common, and what does it have to do with autism?  The answer:  Hyperemesis Gravidum.  It’s linked to autism, but not strongly, but it does show more evidence of significant overlap between many neuropsychiatric issues and disorders.

More importantly though, those with low verbal ability and low cognitive function are harder to study than most people with autism.  Two new research studies documented what they had to do to make studies in this population possible, and how this group was different from those with average IQ and some words.  One looked at brain structure, and the other was a treatment for minimally verbal girls with autism.

The HG study:

The minimally verbal girls study 

The imaging study:

Nobody puts babies in a corner

Nobody can dispute that research to better understand autistic adolescents and adults is lacking.  However, scientists continue to make important scientific discoveries in infants and toddlers with autism.  These infants and toddlers eventually become adolescents and adults, so identifying critical periods of brain development that influences behavior, what to say to parents and when, and how to  engage the entire community to better serve infants and toddlers is still needed.  This week is an update on the activities of the Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC), including a paper that ties in activity of different brain regions at 1 year olds, to stereotyped behaviors and insistence on sameness in 2 year olds.  The research of the BSRC is directly applicable to families affected by autism at all ages.

Lordy Lordy it’s One in Forty

This week’s headlines were focused on the new prevalence numbers of 1:40.  They were not calculated using the same method as the 1:59 number, so should not be  compared.  In addition to looking at just prevalence, this survey identified a major problem for families, which is unmet mental health needs.  Those with autism have higher unmet mental health needs than those with  ADHD, anxiety or depression.  Again, there is something unique about an autism diagnosis which poses a challenge to accessing care.  In addition, a new summary paper outlined what needs to be done to better study  regression in autism.  The rate may be higher than you think if a new definition of regression is used.


A conversation with Clare Harrop about autism in boys and girls

Recently, Clare Harrop from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published two papers which help explain the differences between boys and girls with autism, at least in kids and toddlers.  She graciously agreed to talk with us about these findings and what it means for better identification and diagnosis of girls with ASD, and where future research is needed.  Thank you to Dr. Harrop for this insight and for your work in this area!

If you want to know about people with autism, ask them

There are relatively few studies using self-report findings on standardized measures from people with autism.  Part of the reason for this is because there aren’t that many of these instruments to begin with.   Scientists are working on that.  But this week, a group from the UK took the existing data from smaller studies using the the Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale (which can be found here: to look at sex differences.  They found subtle differences between males and females on their language and sensorimotor features.  This indicates males and females experience autism slightly differently.   In addition, a different study interviewed people with autism at different ages to ask how symptoms changed over time and found that features of autism peaked in middle adulthood.  However, close family members, friends or caregivers didn’t always see it that way themselves.  This reiterates the need to collect information from multiple people – including people with autism – to provide better services and supports.

Just to be clear: people with Aspergers are not Nazi’s

This week, a disturbing report from Molecular Autism published by an Austrian historian with no affiliation with autism, linked Hans Asperger to a eugenics facility in Germany and labeled him a Nazi sympathizer.   This was the first investigative report of the link using primary documents.  He had previously been considered a hero from trying to save his patients from the gestapo, and plead for them to be rehabilitated.    So which is true?   Hero or potential war criminal?  Maybe both.  This podcast goes through the 43 page article with the message that:  if you have Aspergers, you are not necessarily a Nazi.  Don’t let anyone tell you that, and if they do, email me at


Your taxpayer dollars at work in the Autism Centers for Excellence Awards

About two weeks ago, the National Institute of Health announced part of the government’s commitment to autism research through the ACE projects, or Autism Centers for Excellence.  Highly competitive and intensely scrutinized, these 5 year projects all investigates areas of autism aimed at helping people with ASD and their families.  This week’s podcast summaries them, discusses how they interact and complement each other, and explains how they are going to affect the lives of people with autism.

Why study brain tissue to understand autism?

This week’s podcast is a throwback from a few months ago which highlighted research using brain tissue of individuals with ASD.  To understand the brains of people with autism, researchers need to look at the brains of people with autism.  This means people with autism and their families need to learn more about this option so they can be prepared when the time comes.  Listen to the podcast to hear how brain tissue research is helping scientists understand autism better, and making a difference in the lives of people with autism now.