Four problems and a solution: Is there a way to solve the heterogeneity problem in research?

While a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder may encompass many strengths, challenges, features and conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for researchers to figure out what is autism, and how to help those on the full spectrum. This week’s ASF podcast summarizes the challenges and a possible solution to grouping people according to their behavioral features. However, not everyone agrees with this approach. What do you think? How can researchers best help people across the spectrum recognizing the unique needs of those with different symptoms? Share your thoughts in the comments.

A genetic first approach to subtypes?

What causes some of the differences across people with autism? Can you predict who will have what features of autism by looking first at genetics? This week’s ASFpodcast is the first 20 minutes of a webinar with Samuel Chawner from Cardiff University that explains his findings about behavioral features across people with autism with difference in genetic makeup. The full webinar with video can be found here but you can listen to the presentation this week. There will also be more research on this topic.