Beyond what scientists already know about environmental factors

This week the ASF Podcast explores two ways to better understand the environmental influences in ASD diagnosis: 1. through potential cost savings of avoided cases of ASD due to reduced air pollution and 2. by studying pre-conception exposures going back as far as the grandparents exposure. These two concepts do not prove any one thing, including one environmental factor, causes ASD, however, using these approaches may improve understanding of ASD and allow for legislation that improves many health outcomes in children. Below are the two references:

What the h**l is an induced pluripotent stem cell?

The words “induced pluripotent stem cell” refer to a group of cells that are gathered from a person with a disorder, like autism, then changed or “induced” from a skin cell into an embryonic “stem” cell, and can be then made into baby brain cells, or baby heart cells or baby bone cells. This makes them “pluripotent”. This tool has been used in neurodevelopment disorders to help illustrate when the wiring of the brain starts to go off course. Things start to happen very early after conception and one of the only ways to study these things is by using either embryonic cells or these induced embryonic “stem cells”. The latter is more cost effective and more precise. This technology has an incredibly high potential in understanding autism, but it may never be used as a treatment. Nevertheless, knowing how and when brain development deviates is essential for understanding people with ASD.

Age of parents and ASD. It’s complicated.

Questions have loomed around the finding of an increased risk of parents having a child with ASD if they are under 20 or over 35. Of course not every parent who is really young or older will have a child on the spectrum and plenty of those between those ages also have children on the spectrum. Risk factors for ASD are not absolute, they are nuanced and work with other genetic and environmental factors. This week, Kristin Lyall from the AJ Drexel Autism Institute found that those with a strong genetic influence were not as sensitive to factors like parental age. This goes to show, yet again, that it isn’t about ONE risk factor, it’s about dozens working together. And for those 30 year old parents who had a child with autism – see, not every research finding applies to you directly.

Environmental factors: the forgotten stepchild of autism spectrum disorders

When people hear the word “heritability” in mathematical estimates, they automatically think “just genetics”.  That isn’t true, and this week epidemiologist Brian Lee from Drexel talks us through his SpectrumNews viewpoint about what heritability actually is and why there is room for environment.  Also this week, twin studies, which have traditionally used the word heritability to distinguish genetic vs. environmental interactions, are studied in a new light.  This one shows that severity and differences of autism across the spectrum in identical twins are caused by environmental differences – not just genetics.

Seizures and the after-effects depends on genetics

In recognition of epilepsy awareness month, this week we are interviewing Jill Silverman and Nycole Copping from UC Davis who published a paper looking at the causes and consequences of seizures across 3 different strains of mice, which are identical all but their background genetics.  This is important because new animal models of autism are built upon these different background strains, but very little work has been done to really understand how these different tiny changes in genetic background influences response to an environmental factor.  In this study the environmental factor was a drug that produces seizures.  Two out of the three strains showed seizures and all three showed some behavioral after-effects of the seizure – inducing drug.  Therefore, differences in background genetics influenced the outcome of the mice, an effect that is rarely studied.  The authors point out what these behaviors are, what they mean, and why animal models are important for understanding ASD and seizures.

SPARK it up

You may have heard of SPARK, it is the largest genetics research project in autism spectrum disorders.  But have they found anything?  Yes!  Pam Feliciano of SPARK discusses what the project is, what a pilot study has found, and how the results might help families with ASD.  In addition, a different but complementary study identified new genes associated with autism.  Given that one of them is a target of environmental factors, it’s time to spark up studies looking at gene x environment interactions as well.


Genes, environment and heritability: why does it matter?

This week a 5 country collaboration including the largest number of people EVER revealed 80% of the causes of autism are heritable. This is incredibly important to understand autism and move forward with research that matters to families.  What it did not do was calculate the role of gene x environment interactions which seems to be the forgotten stepchild of autism research.  This week’s #ASFpodcast explains why it is important to understand the heritability while at the same time study the combined effects of genetic and environmental factors. 


What does and does not change the probability of an autism diagnosis

Once again, this week another study  came out dismissing the link between vaccines and autism.  Add this one to the list, but this is one of the largest and takes into account genetic and non-genetic risk factors.  It continues to discredit the vaccine-autism link.  However, in other science, more evidence that prenatal folic acid supplementation, something women should be doing anyway, does reduce the probability of having a second child with autism.  So take your folic acid – either by prescription or over the counter.  As Martha Stewart says, it’s a good thing to do.

Genes and Environment, Genes and Environment. Go together like aging and retirement.

Twins with autism, where either one or both is diagnosed, is crucial to understand the role of genetics and the environment to both autism diagnoses and now, autism traits.  In a study this week, researchers using data from the California Twins Study examined the genetic and environmental influences of brain development in multiple regions and measures.  While estimates of genetic and environmental influences can only be modeled in twins, they can be experimentally tested in animal models.  Researchers at the University of Washington investigate what causes the link between air pollution in humans and autism by studying diesel fuel exhaust in pregnant mice.  Finally, across all of these disparate animal studies – does anything pull them together.  Are these models all one-offs or do they have anything in common?  It turns out disruption in normal brain activity is one thing that they have in common, and something that is at the common core of ASD neurobiology.


A sampling of science from the International Meeting of Autism Research

In case you didn’t have time to jump on a plane and fly to the Netherlands last week for the International Society of Autism Research meeting, this week’s podcast is a short summary of just a few of the presentations.  There was more of an emphasis on what has been called “real life” research questions like employment, quality of life, and relationships.  As a result, some of the more basic science questions around autism are now being presented at other meetings.  This is a shame.   This podcast follows some of those basic science questions to the now translational opportunities that were presented at the meeting.  It also highlights some newer findings that will provide help to people at all ages who need supports and services.