Autism spectrum disorders underneath a bigger umbrella: more data from the brain

There is demonstrated genetic overlap between many neurodevelopment disorders including  ASD, ADHD, and schizophrenia, and now there is data showing similarities in the structure and size of the brains in people with autism and those with ADHD.  These differences depend on how severe social difficulties are, but the similarities are seen with ASD and ADHD, but not OCD.   In addition, this week there are new depressing results from the Interactive Autism Network on unemployment and females with ASD.  The results may not surprise you, but they will upset you.



Genes and Environment, Genes and Environment. Go together like aging and retirement.

Twins with autism, where either one or both is diagnosed, is crucial to understand the role of genetics and the environment to both autism diagnoses and now, autism traits.  In a study this week, researchers using data from the California Twins Study examined the genetic and environmental influences of brain development in multiple regions and measures.  While estimates of genetic and environmental influences can only be modeled in twins, they can be experimentally tested in animal models.  Researchers at the University of Washington investigate what causes the link between air pollution in humans and autism by studying diesel fuel exhaust in pregnant mice.  Finally, across all of these disparate animal studies – does anything pull them together.  Are these models all one-offs or do they have anything in common?  It turns out disruption in normal brain activity is one thing that they have in common, and something that is at the common core of ASD neurobiology.


Understanding the hard to research

What do Princess Kate and Amy Schumer have in common, and what does it have to do with autism?  The answer:  Hyperemesis Gravidum.  It’s linked to autism, but not strongly, but it does show more evidence of significant overlap between many neuropsychiatric issues and disorders.

More importantly though, those with low verbal ability and low cognitive function are harder to study than most people with autism.  Two new research studies documented what they had to do to make studies in this population possible, and how this group was different from those with average IQ and some words.  One looked at brain structure, and the other was a treatment for minimally verbal girls with autism.

The HG study:

The minimally verbal girls study 

The imaging study:

Nobody puts babies in a corner

Nobody can dispute that research to better understand autistic adolescents and adults is lacking.  However, scientists continue to make important scientific discoveries in infants and toddlers with autism.  These infants and toddlers eventually become adolescents and adults, so identifying critical periods of brain development that influences behavior, what to say to parents and when, and how to  engage the entire community to better serve infants and toddlers is still needed.  This week is an update on the activities of the Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC), including a paper that ties in activity of different brain regions at 1 year olds, to stereotyped behaviors and insistence on sameness in 2 year olds.  The research of the BSRC is directly applicable to families affected by autism at all ages.

The waterbed around your brain (and its role in sleep)

This week we have a very special guest:  Dr. Mark Shen from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who has been leading the field in understanding the role that the fluid around the brain in autism.  This week he expands his research to show that this increase in extra – axial (around the brain) fluid is not limited to those with a family history of autism, and is seen both before and after a diagnosis.  This has implications for early detection of ASD, but more interesting, it may help explain why some people with autism have so many sleep issues.

Can IGF-1 treat autism symptoms? A clinical trial aims to find out

A full transcript of this podcast episode can be read on the ASF blog here.

Researchers at Mount Sinai led by Alex Kolevzon are running a clinical trial of the compound insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) for children with idiopathic autism. Dr. Kolevzon’s team previously demonstrated the safety and feasibility of IGF-1 in treating Phelan-McDermid syndrome, a single-gene form of autism. Particularly, the IGF-1 treatment improved symptoms of social impairment and repetitive behaviors, which are core symptoms of autism. Expanding their investigation into idiopathic autism, the researchers are working hard to make sure families can comfortably and knowledgeably participate in the clinical trial. Mahir Rahman spoke with Dr. Kolevzon about the study and where it hopes to go. Interested in joining the study? Go here to learn more.

PMS: it’s not what you think

Last weekend, the Phelan McDermid Research Foundation held their biannual family conference in Dallas Texas.  People with Phelan McDermid Syndrome, or PMS, suffer from seizures and intellectual disability, and about 70% have an ASD diagnosis, Over 150 families from across the world came together to show each other support, learn about housing options, receive genetic counseling, talk to experts and hear the latest research.  ASF attended the meeting and this podcast is a short summary of what was presented by researchers at the conference.  This syndrome is caused by mutations of the SHANK3 gene, which is present in about 1% of people with autism, making it the most common single genetic influence of ASD.  Even if you don’t have a mutation in SHANK3, many of the issues affecting those with PMS may apply to you.  To learn more about the conference, click here:

Reusing and recycling autism data from brain tissue

In a new study in animal models, researchers demonstrate how genetic variability in key risk genes leads to different brain development patterns.  Studying the brains of people with autism is challenging, since there are fewer resources to study.  However, scientists get creative and collaborative and re-analyze datasets previously published to look at different research questions.  That’s what happened this week in a collaboration between Brown University and UCLA, showing that as the activity of genes which controls the synapse goes down, so do genes affecting mitochondrial function.  Another brain tissue study showed that the stress of the endoplasmic reticulum, which is associated with the mitochondria, may be elevated.  Not all research data can be re-purposed again, which is why it is so important to study the brains of people with autism.  If you would like to learn more, go to

Here’s to understanding why people with autism have anxiety in adolescence

Using resources from the Autism BrainNet, researchers from UC Davis show specific brain changes in an area called the amygdala in autism.  The amygdala is associated with fear, emotion and anxiety in people with autism.  But because they can look at the brain directly,  the actual number of neurons in the amygdala can be counted not just in one individual, but in over 50 individuals across ages 2 to 50.  This remarkable study showed that too much activity in the amygdala early may lead to impaired function later on.  This could be caused by too many neurons which are present early on in life in people with ASD, and reflected by fewer neurons later on in life.  These difference can only be detected through looking directly at brain tissue.  To learn more, register for the Autism BrainNet at

Here is a link to the paper:

Dr. Avino will be answering questions about this paper on a Q&A on April 9, 2018 – please register here:

Loss of skills in autism partially explained

Is regression a sudden loss of previously acquired skills or is it the gradual decline in a particular area of function?  Using the right tools, both parents and clinicians can document the gaining and loss of skills in different areas, and they agree on what they see.  However, rather than being a single event, regression is slow, starting at around 12 months and showing continual declines through diagnosis.  Thanks to an NIMH day long symposium on the biological causes of regression, scientists got together to discuss this loss of skills on a biological level.  They think that the decline or loss of skills is due to biological events that disrupt the formation of specific brain circuits at critical times in development.  This can be because neurons stop developing, or maybe the brain goes overboard in shaping and pruning back connections.  If you want to see the amazing full day of presentations that aired in 2016, click here:  A link to the Ozonoff study described in the podcast is here: