Autism spectrum disorders underneath a bigger umbrella: more data from the brain

There is demonstrated genetic overlap between many neurodevelopment disorders including  ASD, ADHD, and schizophrenia, and now there is data showing similarities in the structure and size of the brains in people with autism and those with ADHD.  These differences depend on how severe social difficulties are, but the similarities are seen with ASD and ADHD, but not OCD.   In addition, this week there are new depressing results from the Interactive Autism Network on unemployment and females with ASD.  The results may not surprise you, but they will upset you.



Just listen to Nancy Reagan: say NO to MDMA

This week’s podcast begins with a comment on the debate over ABA, helpful or harmful?  But the big news this week is an analysis of very early, but very published data, on the use of MDMA, or “ecstasy” or “Molly” in people with autism.  Called an “empathogen”, MDMA can elicit feelings of warmth, love and need to cuddle.  However, it has a dark side. MDMA is a neurotoxin.  It kills serotonergic brain cells.  There is no known safe dose.  Researchers studied and found weak evidence that it reduces social anxiety in people with autism.  Social anxiety isn’t a core symptom of autism and thank you to Larry Scahill at Emory University to provided an expert description of each.  While we will not comment on every negative study out there, this one is worth noting.  When someone offers you MDMA, JUST SAY NO.


Children are not small adults

Cathy Lord and her colleagues have been studying a group of people with autism from age 2, all the way through adulthood, at age 19.  Her colleague and first author Vanessa Hus-Bal who is leading the efforts to study adults at a new institute at Rutgers University, talks about the findings and what they mean for people with autism as they get older, and points out the implications on intervention.  Also, the stress response is different in autistic people, but is it different in adolescents and adults, and does it change as people get older?  A social stressor is used to identify how they are different and what it means for treatment.

The ASF Day of Learning mini-recap

Did you miss the ASF Day of Learning in NYC but want to hear some teasers before they are available online?  Listen to this week’s podcast, and you’ll hear the 12 minute talks distilled to 2 minutes, leaving out a lot of details and eliminating the video part but giving you a quick recap of each.  Topics this year included:  1) What have we learned this last year?  2) Are Boys and Girls with Autism Different? 3) Does diet make a difference in autism?  4) Is medical marijuana a treatment option? 5) Why won’t my child sleep and 6) How can we improve adult outcomes in people with autism?  ASF also announced 8 new pre and post-doctoral fellowships on Wednesday, filling out an already amazingly active autism awareness month.   Stay tuned for the complete presentations to appear on the ASF homepage.

Here’s to understanding why people with autism have anxiety in adolescence

Using resources from the Autism BrainNet, researchers from UC Davis show specific brain changes in an area called the amygdala in autism.  The amygdala is associated with fear, emotion and anxiety in people with autism.  But because they can look at the brain directly,  the actual number of neurons in the amygdala can be counted not just in one individual, but in over 50 individuals across ages 2 to 50.  This remarkable study showed that too much activity in the amygdala early may lead to impaired function later on.  This could be caused by too many neurons which are present early on in life in people with ASD, and reflected by fewer neurons later on in life.  These difference can only be detected through looking directly at brain tissue.  To learn more, register for the Autism BrainNet at

Here is a link to the paper:

Dr. Avino will be answering questions about this paper on a Q&A on April 9, 2018 – please register here:

SLEEP: it’s what’s important for autism

Sleep disturbances affect up to 80% of people with autism, and as it turns out, these sleep problems translate to daytime problems like probability of hospitalization, severity of symptoms and even employment.  This week’s podcast focuses on three new studies that examine the relationship between sleep problems and function in people with autism across the spectrum, and provides new insights on how to study sleep.  Dr. Ashura Buckley from the NIH will be speaking about sleep in autism at the Day of Learning on April 11th – if you have’t registered yet, there is still time:

Articles used in this podcast:

Commonly used drugs that may help autism

Sometimes treatment targets come from the places you wouldn’t expect.  This week, three new studies on the biological and sometimes, behavioral, effects of three commonly used compounds used to treat high cholesterol, edema, and angina were studied in people with autism.  Instead of focusing on just the behavior however, these studies took the approach of examining them from the behavioral side, determining if there was a biological reason why these compounds should be helping people with autism.  This means autism research has turned a corner – it’s not just about behavioral improvements, but about how the drug is working in the brain.  Also, a fun study about social media in people with autism.  They don’t just use it like the rest of us, it actually makes people with autism happy.

Here are the studies included in this week’s podcast:


What is the can do vs. the will do of autism?

Often overlooked in intervention studies, it is becoming increasingly clearer that adaptive behavior, the “will do” vs. the “can do” of functioning, should receive more focus.  In people with autism and high IQ, cognitive ability, the “can do” is higher than adaptive behavior, the “will do”.  Why?  The key in new research from the National Institutes of Health may be social abilities.  Another study this week from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in adult  with high IQ demonstrates that social motivation may be the key to improving social skills and socialization in people with ASD.