The importance of facial recognition studies to the lives of people with autism

Many people wonder why researchers study recognition of facial expression in people with ASD.  Not only is it a core symptom, it has consequences for daily functioning.  As Matthew Lerner from Stonybrook University explains, it doesn’t “simply” explain everything but it does provide insight into social processes and friendships.  A set of two studies from Dr. Lerner’s lab perfectly demonstrate that while some behaviors may seem far removed from everyday functioning in people with autism, these are important features to better understand so people can not just treat, but understand, the minds of people with ASD.

Environmental exposure and autism risk. What’s missing from the picture?

Three new studies examine the relationship between prenatal medication exposure and autism.   The results from these studies are not always consistent, suggesting there may be something missing from the study of medication use in pregnancy and risk in the child.  What is lacking in these studies is genetic information.  Without data on the genetics of the mother or the child, researchers are missing opportunities to address more specific research questions.  Clinicians lack data to implement  personalized medicine approaches.  The findings don’t suggest genetic research, they urge that genetics be integrated with environmental exposure information.

New exciting findings in parent-mediated early interventions for autism

Over the holidays, new studies around early (before age 5 years) intervention were published that generated excitement in the autism community.  First, a new parent-mediated intervention called the “Social ABC’s” showed promising results.  Another intervention showed promise in south Asia, indicating that the success of parent-mediated interventions are not specific to North American countries.  Finally, data shows that most children are not having to wait for an ASD diagnosis before they receive these early intervention services.  They may not be perfect, but they are something, and this is progress.

A year of autism research in under 30 minutes

What was impactful this year in autism research? This last podcast of 2015 explores the year of the female, highlighting the relatively new exploration into what makes females with ASD different and what they can tell us about everybody with autism and their families.  Some of what is discussed was highlighted in other podcasts, but not all of it.   The summary is organized so that what may initially be interpreted as small, nonsignificant discoveries, are viewed as progress.  Everything from genetics to getting laws passed is included.

Moving the needle towards earlier diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders

This week, the CDC published data that showed that the average age of first developmental evaluation for concerns was lowered by 5 months.  Five months is a lot to a family whose child is suffering and in need of help.  Separately, research out of Houston shows that many families are able to skip the formal evaluation and receive intervention prior to an established diagnosis based on demonstrated need that the child needs services.  This was the good news in autism, and while there is still a lot to be done especially with regards to racial and ethnic differences, public health is moving in the right direction on this issue.  But not all people with autism view their differences as symptoms or a disability.  What can we learn from people who use sign language to communicate to inform us about the way some people with autism communicate?  A special meeting called Conversations in Autism and Sign Language (CASL) brought experts and individuals on the spectrum to discuss.

Autism Insurance Mandates: Necessary But Not Sufficient For Services

Autism insurance mandates are wonderful.  They require insurance companies to pay for screening, diagnosis and treatment and services for people with autism.  But just because insurance will pay for it does not mean that it’s out there.  The idea of “build it and they will come” for insurance mandates is on it’s way, but not quite there.  Dr. David Mandell from University of Pennsylvania explains why in a new study.  Also, single genes that are associated with autism are a great start to look for causes and subtypes of people with autism, but they aren’t the final word to resolve the heterogeneity of ASD.  If you didn’t read the new story about new findings in brains of people with autism, read more on the ASF website.

Managing real life autism situations.

Compared to researchers, community clinicians don’t have time for the same rigorous training on the standard autism diagnostic instrument called the ADOS, so can they still do it as well?  Or does this group not have the resources they need to use it properly?  Also, because psychiatric hospitals don’t see as many people with autism as they used to, a group of child psychiatrists got together and wrote guidelines for what to do if a child with autism showed up at the general inpatient ward.  These are things that face families in the real word, and we thought you should hear about new science around them.

The triple crown of autism research gatherings

Three important meetings of researchers took place this week.  First, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, or IACC, met for the first time in over a year to discuss the coordination of private and federal efforts in autism research and advocacy.  Also, the Autism Sisters Project science committee met to figure out how they are going to find the female protective factor in autism, and what else the study can do when, and if, it is found.  Finally, a group of researchers who study autism in high risk families, before a formal diagnosis can be made, met to understand how the brains of people with autism are connected.  They also are working on new instruments to better diagnose both males and females with ASD.  Finally, in a press release from Tuesday, the NIH announced a partnership that will substantially improve autism research.  november17

Someone please determine the real prevalence of autism.

Media coverage of the new CDC study focused on the new study which used a telephone survey for another prevalence estimate of autism.  This one closer to 2% or 1 in 45.  The study is far from perfect, but it does beg the question:  what is the REAL number?  How many people with autism are there?  The answer is too many, and all those people need help of some kind. You can read the full article here: NHSR87.   Second, a summary of a presentation by David Mandell of University of Pennsylvania who explains what needs to happen to get those great interventions developed in the clinic to the community school systems, where they are needed.

Is ADHD part of the spectrum diagnosis of ASD?

A recent study examining some people who lost an autism diagnosis (and were possibly reclassified) reinvigorates the idea that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be on the autism spectrum.  It shouldn’t be part of a valid ASD diagnosis, but there may be some symptoms of ASD that overlap with ADHD.  Also, a new editorial emphasizes that while new discoveries are important and exciting, what happens to make them useful for people outside a research study takes a lot of work, time and money.