Lordy Lordy it’s One in Forty

This week’s headlines were focused on the new prevalence numbers of 1:40.  They were not calculated using the same method as the 1:59 number, so should not be  compared.  In addition to looking at just prevalence, this survey identified a major problem for families, which is unmet mental health needs.  Those with autism have higher unmet mental health needs than those with  ADHD, anxiety or depression.  Again, there is something unique about an autism diagnosis which poses a challenge to accessing care.  In addition, a new summary paper outlined what needs to be done to better study  regression in autism.  The rate may be higher than you think if a new definition of regression is used.





Loss of skills in autism partially explained

Is regression a sudden loss of previously acquired skills or is it the gradual decline in a particular area of function?  Using the right tools, both parents and clinicians can document the gaining and loss of skills in different areas, and they agree on what they see.  However, rather than being a single event, regression is slow, starting at around 12 months and showing continual declines through diagnosis.  Thanks to an NIMH day long symposium on the biological causes of regression, scientists got together to discuss this loss of skills on a biological level.  They think that the decline or loss of skills is due to biological events that disrupt the formation of specific brain circuits at critical times in development.  This can be because neurons stop developing, or maybe the brain goes overboard in shaping and pruning back connections.  If you want to see the amazing full day of presentations that aired in 2016, click here:  https://videocast.nih.gov/Summary.asp?file=19500&bhcp=1.  A link to the Ozonoff study described in the podcast is here:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29524310

Regression in autism, down to the neuron

On Friday, February 19, the NIH organized a workshop on regression in autism.  It included autism researchers as well as neurobiologists studying regression in other disorders, specifically Rett Syndrome.  Rett Syndrome is characterized by a regression in symptoms around 18-30 months of age but is the result of a known genetic mutation.  Because the genetic mutation is know, researchers have been able to make huge advancements in the study of the cellular causes of regression.  Do they apply to autism?  The theory of overturning is presented and discussed in the workshop and on the podcast.  You can see the full agenda at:  https://iacc.hhs.gov/non-iacc-events/2016/loss-of-skill-agenda-february19.shtml

Here are some screen shots of the workshop:


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